Which Faction is the Club Selecting

I will like to know the faction the club is selecting and the reason behind the section chosen. Do we choose the section with a vote or it will be decided at the leadership level

Hi Olumo,

We have not yet selected a faction because there is no benefit to rushing to select one. We are gathering as much data as we can and we will make a selection when the time is right. We want to make the right choice.

I am not sure if we will vote on this or not. I can tell you we are collecting a lot of data behind the scenes right now so that we can find out which faction will be best for all members of The Club.

You can learn a lot more about us in our discord. Check out the #who-we-are and #announcements channels. Once you are verified you gain access to the Verified Members Only channels. Let me know if you have any more questions!

The Club Discord

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I’ve already chosen my faction as ‘MUD’ will that affect my involvement with The Club?

Hi @EndBoss

No this will not effect our involvement at all. Assets are very easy to move from one wallet to another. And wallets are easy to make, free, and you can assign a new wallet to another faction quite easily.

We also encourage to register one wallet for each of the factions just in case.

Even if its an empty wallet.

So you are welcome to join the club whenever you are ready! We will be happy to have you!

Join through The Club

I’ve already verified my primary wallet on Discord, does that qualify as having joined The Club? Also, do these other wallets (factions) need to be verified on Discord as well?

Yes @EndBoss Welcome to The Club!

You will have immediate benefits to verify other wallets, but you can verify them anyways so the wallet assets add up to the overall numbers.

Checkout the clubhouse and other channels in discord, learn new things, see where you can contribute. The minigame will be out soon.

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Awesome, thanks @vladiuz2 ! Yea, I’m learning as much as I can ahead of the minigame and slowly building a fleet until then. :wink: